
Richmond, TX | Woodshop Project

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Place: Richmond, TX
Trade: Woodshop Project
Why: Empowering gifts, teaching skills and providing tools to use business as mission. This community is in an impoverished part of North Richmond in Houston, TX and they work to strengthen under-resourced communities. We installed a wood shop to help provide jobs and create income for this community.
Partners: Attack Poverty (www.attackpoverty.org)
Completed: February 2017


Rushere, Uganda in Africa | Woodshop Project

Place: Rushere, Uganda in Africa
Trade: Woodshop Project
Why: Empowering gifts, teaching skills and providing tools to use business as mission. Several menin the community of Rushere wanted to use their gifts and talents to create tables, chairs, and desks for the local school so we installed a state of the art woodshop in downtown Rushere.
Partners: River Pointe Church (www.riverpointe.org) and Attack Poverty (attackpoverty.org)
Completed: July 2016

Louisville, Kentucky | Woodshop Project

By Chris Watson (originally posted to Flickr as 5297) [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Place: Louisville, Kentucky
Trade: Woodshop Project
Why: Empowering gifts, teaching skills and providing tools to use business as mission. In a lower-income part of Portland in downtown Louisville, KY there is a group of people committed to develop and empower people by teaching trades, giving dignity, and helping fight against a poverty mentality. We installed a woodshop that is now thriving to help provide work and teach people their giftedness.
Partners: Love City (www.lovecityinc.org) and Southeast Christian Church (southeastchristian.org)
Completed: May 2016

Jaco, Costa Rica | Woodshop Project

Place: Jaco, Costa Rica
Trade: Woodshop Project
Why: Empowering gifts, teaching skills and providing tools to use business as mission. This community is in an impoverished part of North Richmond in Houston, TX and they work to strengthen under-resourced communities. We installed a wood shop to help provide jobs and create income for this community.
Partners: Horizon Church (horizonjaco.org) and Legacy Building (legacybuilding.com)
Completed: May 2015

Nashville, TN | Woodshop Project

Place: Nashville, TN
Trade: Woodshop Project
Why: Empowering gifts, teaching skills and providing tools to use business as mission. There was a need to repurpose people from their battle against addiction and homelessness, so we installed a woodshop to help teach trades, empower people to use their gifts and restore people’s identity. This woodshop is an incredible group of people who exist to leave a lasting legacy in everything they do.
Partners: Legacy Building (www.legacybuilding.com)
Completed: April 2011

Nairobi, Kenya in Africa | Woodshop Project

Place: Nairobi, Kenya in Africa
Trade: Woodshop Project
Why: Empowering gifts, teaching skills and providing tools to use business as mission. Several men shared a need to help teach trades to the community. They needed tools to begin making much needed desks and tables for several schools. This community works hard to help empower people by creating microenterprise projects in Nairobi and they work extensively with the Masaai Tribe.
Partners: Jacaranda Community (jacarandacommunity.com)
Completed: July 2009